Artificial Intelligence Playbook

We use the Kaleitics Artificial Intelligence (AI) Playbook to deploy software programs that mimic the cognitive capabilities and decision-making processes of humans. Our AI software programs can sense, reason, act, and adapt using multi-layer neural networks that mirror the human brain. We expose our algorithms to increasing amounts of data over time to enable continuous improvement.

Our AI Playbook includes the delivery of an “AI Radar”, which is a current state AI capability maturity assessment, a seven-step capability development framework, and an “AI Canvas” to frame, structure, and prioritize AI initiatives.

Applying the Kaleitics Artificial Intelligence (AI) Playbook, we can assist you on your journey to becoming an intelligent enterprise by framing the AI capabilities you desire and helping you prioritize the efforts required to achieve success.

Kaleitics is a Solutions as a Service (SolaaS) firm. This means our advisory services include the delivery of a minimum viable product (MVP) that demonstrates the capabilities of our software programs applied to your business situation. We uncover complex patterns in your text, audio, image, video, etc. data to predict business outcomes with a level of confidence and accuracy to aid in your strategic and tactical decision-making considerations.

Kaleitics brings a secure, pre-built cloud computing environment (AWS/Azure/GCP) for data ingestion, data distillation and orchestration, data visualization for insights, and AI-driven, embedded data analytics at the point of decision-making. Our business domain-specific optimization models and predictive SolaaS offerings can help accelerate and validate your value creation activities.

Trust us with your data and give us a little time – we will show you how to monetize your data.

The Kaleitics Artificial Intelligence (AI) Playbook offering will allow you to plan and showcase the vision and feasibility of your journey to become an intelligent enterprise. We will help you build the trust, credibility, and confidence with internal and external stakeholders that is necessary to embark on this journey. Our right-shore services will provide you with the capabilities to scale globally and economically to achieve your expected return on investment at your desired speed-to-value.

  • Duration: Maximum 12 Weeks

  • Fixed Fees: Right-shore Services

  • Scope: Demonstrate Business Value

  • Engagement Paradigm:

Honor over Hustle | Service over Sales | People over Profit