Conversational AI (Chatbot)

The Kaleitics Assistant chatbot platform allows developers and non-technical users to collaborate and build conversational AI-powered assistants.

Kaleitics Assistant is a natural language interface for applications capable of extracting knowledge from sentences. Kaleitics Assistant also offers an API that takes text or voice inputs and returns intents and entities. Users can store responses in multiple formats (e.g. text, image, audio, video).

Kaleitics Assistant integrates with multiple messaging platforms and allows users to define conversation flows using a wizard. Responses are generated using Kaleitics NLP and AI engines (or Watson, Dialogflow, etc.).

The chatbot platform allows for robust analytics of user intents and sessions when engaging with Kaleitics Assistant to continuously improve experiences.

Kaleitics Assistant, with Kaleitics Advisory Services, will lay a foundation for your conversational marketing strategy to increase sales. Humans working together with AI will allow for 24x7 coverage of your customer needs and will enable you to offer an optimal customer experience. The robust analytics generated by Kaleitics Assistant will allow you to gain insights into your customers’ behaviors. Kaleitics Assistant’s APIs will also allow you to add chatbot features to your existing applications.

The Kaleitics Assistant chatbot platform offering will allow you to plan and showcase the vision and feasibility of your journey to offer an optimal AI-driven customer experience. We will help you build the trust, credibility, and confidence with internal and external stakeholders that is necessary to embark on this journey. Our right-shore services will provide you with the capabilities to scale globally and economically to achieve your expected return on investment at your desired speed-to-value.

  • Duration: Maximum 12 Weeks

  • Fixed Fees: Right-shore Services

  • Scope: Demonstrate Business Value

  • Engagement Paradigm:

Honor over Hustle | Service over Sales | People over Profit